Things To Consider When Hiring An Interior Design Expert

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5 Questions To Ask When Hiring An Interior Design Expert

Allowing a stranger to deal with the most intimate details of your home can be intimidating, especially when more complex projects are in question. The ideal interior design is something most people dream about even before they purchase their property. Because of this, choosing who it is you want to trust this task to is of the utmost importance. But, in a sea of architectural and interior design firms on the market, how can you narrow down your choices? While everyone has different priorities and needs, there are a few universal things you need to inquire about before you make a decision. To help you simplify the process, here are 5 questions to ask when hiring an interior design expert. 

1. What services do you offer?

The first thing you should familiarize yourself with once you start searching for a suitable interior design expert  in Philadelphia is their services. Since these services can vary from sustainable architecture to townhouse interior design, narrowing down your pool of choices to those that can cater to your needs is imperative. Here are a few things you can expect from a reliable interior design company:

  • Home decorating
  • Space planning
  • Furniture selection
  • Interior layout
  • Residential drawing
  • Home additions
  • Project planning and management

However, before you start asking this question, be sure to know what you want and need. This way, you won’t have to waste time with companies that cannot execute your ideas. Additionally, it might be a good idea to learn exactly what these services include to avoid any confusion. A reliable interior design expert should be more than happy to explain the details, but being prepared and informed will help speed up the process.

2. How would you describe your style?

Since personal taste plays a significant role in interior design, ensuring that the company you choose is on the same page with you when it comes to style is a must. Some interior design experts might prefer a minimalistic approach while others excel at more eclectic looks. This doesn’t mean you should embark on an endless search for a company that specializes exclusively in your preferred style. However, knowing they can bring your vision to life will surely give you peace of mind.

Knowing the interior design expert will be able to deliver what you want is essential.

To better understand your potential interior designer’s aesthetic, make sure to ask for a portfolio of their previous work. If you don’t have your mind set on a particular style, this might help you gather some inspiration. Furthermore, their stylistic approach might open your mind to something you haven’t even considered.

Once you see examples of their past work, you will learn about the quality you can expect and whether they can achieve the results you want. And only by being sure about these two things can you be confident that you have made the right choice.

3. Can I see your references and credentials?

How can you know an interior designer is not all words and no action? By asking about references and credentials! Architecture and design are much more than just good taste. Because they are science as much as they are art, ensuring the people you hire have the necessary knowledge is essential

Luckily, red flags in this area should be easy to notice since a respectable interior design company will be more than happy to tell you everything about the team, their education, certificates, and other critical things.

Additionally, inquiring about previous client’s testimonials can help you see how satisfied they were with the company’s work and whether there were any issues with communication along the way.

4. How much do you charge?

Whether we like it or not, finances are a deciding factor in most cases. Before you ask an interior designer how much they charge for their services, be sure to know what your budget is

When deciding how much you want to spend on interior design, being realistic is essential. You shouldn’t expect your Philadelphia home designers to deliver something your budget cannot cover. On the other hand, being informed about the prices will help you avoid being taken advantage of by greedy individuals.

Your budget plays a significant role in deciding who to hire.

While this question is not first on our list of questions to ask when hiring an interior designer, it should undoubtedly be one of the first you discuss with companies you decide to interview. More often than not, some financial tweaks will likely be possible on both sides. However, you probably wouldn’t want to waste your time on other things if you know your budget isn’t in accordance with what they charge. 

5. What does your process look like?

The answer to this question will let you know how well the designers manage their time, which is a vital factor, especially if your daily routine will be affected during the execution of the project. 

As a client, you have the right to know everything about the process.

Suppose you want to implement green design or more sustainable architecture in your home. In that case, besides hiring trustworthy Philadelphia home designers, you will also have to find a way to keep your possessions safe while work is being done on your property. The most straightforward solution here would be renting residential storage containers. However, if your designers are not organized enough, the project might take longer to finish, thus increasing your storage or other costs. Therefore, understanding the process and making sure the people you hire are on top of their game is of the utmost importance.

While every company has a different approach, bear in mind that there should be a lot of consultation with you, the client, included. Before the work begins, you should be presented with a concept, as well.

In conclusion

These 5 questions to ask when hiring an interior designer cover only the basics that should help you pick a company that suits your needs and wishes best. Once you decide who you want to hire, the list will likely become longer. However, a reliable interior design company should be more than happy to answer anything you want to know, so don’t be shy!

Magda Green Design is a full-service interior design firm we offer space planning, elevations, details, renderings, and everything in between like kitchen/bathroom designs, home staging, decorating, and reconstruction.

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